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Startup Fundamentals Episode 3: Understanding and Negotiating the "Terms" in Term Sheets

Nobody gives money for nothing. Understand what you're giving in exchange for money to grow your startup. 

Join us for a livestream viewing party in our Del Mar Heights office in San Diego.*

If you are looking to gain Angel, seed or series A funding for your startup and you want to know how the most successful startups in Silicon Valley have done it, then you won’t want to miss this workshop!

This is the third workshop in the Access Silicon Valley Startup Fundamental Series for startup founders, startup executives, entrepreneurs, innovators and developers. While advantageous to attend all 3 workshops, this is stand-alone content presented by one of Silicon Valley's most notable startup attorneys and Procopio Partner, Roger Rappoport.

Space is limited. RSVP early!

A 50 + page digital workbook and reference materials will be distributed to attendees.

*RSVP Required, Limited Seats


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Event Details

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DATE: Wednesday, May 24, 2023
TIME: 5:00 p.m. Light Dinner & Networking | 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Startup Workshop 
LOCATION: Procopio, Del Mar Heights
12544 High Bluff Drive, 4th Floor
San Diego, CA 92130
ADMISSION: Complimentary (registration is required, limited seats)


This startup workshop will focus on terms and term sheets for a seed, angel, convertible debt, Safe (pre-money and post-money) and Series A round, in an interactive, informative session with great take away materials and actionable items.

This session will cover:

• when and from whom to take money;

• when is an amount raised too much or too little, and the perils of both;

• the anatomy of a term sheet;

• understanding the structure of, and the provisions that will most likely be included in, a convertible debt, Safe, angel and venture financing term sheet;

• how to arrive at a realistic pre-money valuation;

• the impact of term sheets on existing shareholders;

• the provisions that will impact control of major and day-to-day decisions at your startup;

• the most recent trends relating to:
- liquidation preferences
- participation rights
- anti-dilution provisions
- pay-to-play provisions
- redemption rights
- registration rights
- rights of first refusal
- drag along right
- co-sale rights

DETAILED AGENDA: (California Pacific time)
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Dinner and Networking
6:00 PM -7:30 PM - Startup workshop Part A
7:30 PM - 7:45 PM - Intermission
7:45 PM -8:45: PM - Startup workshop Part B
8:45 PM - 9:00 PM - Audience Q & A

the speakers

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